Who Is The Gospel For (Part 2)
What's really going on with Jesus & the Woman at the Well? The answer might surprise you...
Who Is The Gospel For? (Part 1)
Let's start by looking at Jesus's interaction with Nicodemus. If you are curious about New Testament Christianity, this sermon series is a great place to start.
A Favor To Ask
Thinking about what happened to all the people we met along the way.
So Where Are We Now?
After 22 years of life, ministry, and grief... Who am I becoming?
It's Been Awhile
What do we make of our labor when the results feel small, slow, mundane? Welcome to the world of bivocational / house church planting...
Year(s) of Magical Thinking
Books and beer? Introducing the Lazarus Library...
The Journey to My Living Room
It's been ten years since we left Missoula to move to Austin.
Looking For A Church
I opened the email about 3 PM. It was from Sylvia. She was looking for a church...
Preface - It's Your Funeral
"Hell, Chris... Do whatever you want. It's your funeral."
6 - Trouble in Paradise
O.D. Cryder taught me about life. Maybe more than he intended...